Akhirnye berjaye,,no guarantor,,7years,,below rm 500/month
as what i wish in depth of my heart to get this way,,gembire..walopon tau lepas ni akan ade lg mslh2 bru yg bt stress,,tp God always know each of human ability to face His challenges..insya allah next week bole dh drive kete baru,,,,ssh nk mulekan hidup sendiri..nasib abah ade simpankan duit,,thanks to MY LOVELY ABAH..AL-FATIHAH...kalau abah xsmpnkan duit ira xdpt nk kuarkan downpayment byk tu,,,rindu kt mak rindu kt abah
xade gune guarantor,,itu yg sye hepy,,lepas tu dpt 7 tahun,,monthly xover budget,,alhamdulillah
adeks2: kak ira nk dpt kete oi! hahah..pasni naik kete kak ira tau
mak yam pakpi: xtau la diorng berani ke x nk naik saye bwk??hehhe
kak ela:time kasih sbb tlg jd guarantor,,tp last2 xpkai lak..t ira bg balik slip gaji,,
b: syg la kt awk!!hehehh,,gediks..time kasih ssh2 n pnat2 kerane sye,,pasni nk kuar bole pilih kete tp sy xnk bwk kete b yg pnjg lebau tu,,,hahha,,
kakak:dh xyah risau nxt week dh ade kete,,abg nasir cuti blek johor tau!heheh
i.allah mmg nk blk jhr sgt!!!!!rindu kt korg2 org2 jhr sumer!!!!